I LOVE MY CITY: A county-wide community service event.

This county-wide initiative focuses on projects in Concord, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, Midland and Mount Pleasant.  Churches, businesses, community groups, families, individuals and local government can make a positive impact on our neighbors through local service projects and by serving each other.

Register your project online at ilovemycityproject.com and designate the date and time for your project so we, the community, can celebrate the spirit with you!  Both groups and individuals can register projects.  You may create your own project or go to ilovemycityproject.com and adopt a project that is offered by a local non-profit or community organization.

When you register your own project online at ilovemycityproject.com, specify if you need additional volunteers from the community or if the volunteer requirement for your project has been met. There is no cost to participate.  There may be some projects that require funding, but there are others that do not.

“I love my city” means loving our community, our neighbors, even a perfect stranger.

It’s an attitude we choose.  It’s what makes our community special.

But, it’s a way of live for our community; not a weekend or a thirty-day period.

It’s a Spirit that benefits everyone!

Please email any pictures from your I Love My City projects to il*********@co*****************.com

Some ways you can serve:

Cooperative Christian Ministry food pantry needs:

1)      Cereal and peanut butter
2)     Canned carrots, peas, potatoes and mixed vegetables
3)     Canned fruit
4)     Soup and pasta sauce
5)     Any dried beans

Or make a financial donation on their website cooperativeministry.com.

Donations can be dropped off from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Monday-Friday at 246 Country Club Dr., Concord, NC 28025.

Questions? Please call Kris Edscorn at 704-706-9897 or ke******@co*****************.com